Early Numeracy
Children investigate quantity to 10.
- Recognize a number of familar objects as a quantity.
- Represent a quantity in different ways.
- Relate a numeral to a specific quantity
- Count within 10, forward and backward, starting at any number according to the counting principles.
- Subitize quantities to 5
- Compare the size of two sets using one to one correspondence.
- Describe quantities relative to each other using comparative language.
- Describe a quantity in relation to a purpose or need using comparative language.
- Solve problems in familiar situations by counting.
Children interpret compositions of quantities of 10
- Identity a quantity in various groups or arrangements
- Compose quantities within 10
- Recognize various ways to make 5 and 10.
The children will be actively involved in working with materials. They will first be engaged in an exploration period and then will be given different tasks and mathematical challenges. The school year involves building on these mathematical constructs woven in to daily explorations
Early Science
Children examine properties of objects
- Describe properties of various objects.
- Explore properties of various objects using one or more of the five senses.
- Sort various objects according to properties.
- Compare properties of various objects.
Children explore Movement of objects, humans and other animals
- Move objects in a variety of ways.
- identify objects that move.
- Identify objects that do not move.
- Observe and imitate how animals can move.
- Identify various ways that humans and other animals can move.
- Examine the reasons why humans and other animals move.
Children examine and describe surrounding environments
- Use the senses to make observations about environments.
- Ask questions about surrounding environments.
- Demonstrate respect while interacting with environments.
- Represent a local environment in nature.
- Identify natural and constructed objects in surrounding environments.
- Represent objects found in nature and those constructed by humans
- Observe a variety of local environments over time.
- Discuss the importance of protecting and respecting environments.
- Identify ways to protect and respect environments.
- Identify physical locations, objects, and experiences in nature that can lead to personal feelings of connection.
- Reflect on what is personally considered to be beautiful and appreciated in nature.
- Discuss connections First Nations, Metis, or Inuit have with nature.
Children interpret instructions in various environments
- Recognize when actions do not correspond to instructions.
- Match an action to the corresponding instruction.
- Engage in activities that help keep people safe in various contexts.
- Engage in activities that involve following instructions presented in various ways.
- Follow a sequence of two steps related to a learning experience.
- Identify differences in outcomes when the order of two steps is changed.
- Communicate a sequence of two steps for a given purpose.
The children will be investigating our natural wooded area. They will be using this environment to guide their understanding of the skills and procedures listed above. The children will also be engaging in many playful activities in the Maker Space revolving around the idea of movement. The children will be learning about the indigenous experience experience through story.
Creative Expression
Children Explore self-expression and creativity through various forms of music, movement, art and drama.
The children will participate in a music program with a music specialist. The children will be introduced to the art studio. They will be taught how to properly take care of and handle materials. They will be given the opportunity to work on their own art projects. The children will study different artists, using various mediums and art techniques.
Personal and Social Responsibility
- Children demonstrate persistence in learning tasks.
- Children listen attentively.
- Children Follow directions and classroom routines.
- Children accepts personal responsibility and demonstrates independence.
- Children Work cooperatively and respects the rights of others.
The children will be engaged in center time where they will freely choose their centers and explore the materials creatively.The children will be given many opportunities to share and listen to the teacher and their classmates. They will participate in sharing circle, group story time and teacher directed lessons.
Early Literacy
Children explore how messages can be organized
- Explore messages shared for different reasons
- Engage with messages for enjoyment
- Discuss the differences between messages that are imaginary or real.
- Explore messages shared in a variety of forms
- Discuss the beginning, middle and ending in a message.
- Identify the front and back of a book.
- Identify where reading begins and where to go after (return sweep).
- Identify the first and last letter in a word.
- Identify the first and last word on a page or in a message.
- Identify corresponding written words as they are read aloud.
- Identify a variety of features that help clarify messages.
- Investigate story elements within a variety of imaginary stories.
- Create imaginative representations or dramatizations of stories that include story elements.
- Represent information and ideas from a variety of real messages.
- Explore a variety of ideas and feelings represented through poetry and song.
- Identify rhymes in poems.
Children explore listening and speaking skills through a variety of literacy experiences
- Practice listening and speaking skills through sharing oral stories.
- Explore digital or non-digital stories, poems, or songs from First Nations, Metis and Inuit communities.
- Share personal experiences and stories through listening and speaking with others.
- Participate in group discussions.
- Share stories, songs, or poems individually or as part of a group.
- Demonstrate a variety of listening behaviours.
- Listen to and follow simple one- or two-step instructions.
- Express an idea or share information through the use of body language or voice.
- Share a short poem, story, or song from memory using verbal and non-verbal language.
Children develop vocabulary through a variety of literacy experiences.
- Identify sounds at the beginning of spoken words.
- Identify sounds in the middle of spoken words.
- Identify sounds at the ending of spoken words.
- Explore rhyme in a variety of language-learning contexts.
- Identify one-syllable rhyming words.
- Identify sounds at the beginning and ending of spoken words.
- Sort words based on their initial sounds.
- Sort words based on their final sounds.
- Count the number of words in a spoken sentence of three to four words.
- Separate compound words into two individual words.
- Identify the number of syllables in one- to three-syllable words.
- Separate words into onsets and rimes.
- Blend two words to form compound words.
- Blend syllables to form words.
- Blend onsets and rimes to form words.
- Blend sounds to form words.
- Delete one word from compound words.
- Delete one syllable from multisyllabic words.
- Delete onsets or rimes in words.
Children make connections between letters and sounds in words.
- Identify letters by characteristics.
- Recognize most upper case and lower case letters by name.
- Make connections between letters and sounds in words.
- Recognize the first, middle, or ending letter or sound in words.
Children recognize some letters and words with speed and accuracy.
- Recognize some letters of the alphabet with speed and accuracy.
- Recognize 5–10 high-frequency words.
- Recognize own name.
- Recognize some environmental print automatically.
- Notice end punctuation and reflect it in voice.
Children demonstrate understandings of messages communicated in texts.
- Identify capital letters in names.
- Identify capital letters at the beginning of sentences.
- Identify periods at the end of sentences.
- Recognize sentences in oral language that include a complete thought or idea.
- Differentiate between telling and asking sentences.
- Spell 5–10 high-frequency words.
- Attempt to spell unknown words using letter-sound relationships.
- Copy environmental print to become familiar with how words are spelled.
The children are engaged in playful literacy activities throughout the school day. The children are engaged in many opportunities to talk and share their personal experiences in a daily sharing circle. They develop communication skills as they converse with their peers, exchanging ideas and listening to their peers' thoughts and stories. The children will participate in many rich oral language activities which will lay the foundation for their growing reading and writing skills. They also are introduced to early reading skills which include:
- Phonemic Awareness. Phonemes, the smallest units making up spoken language, combine to form syllables and words. ...
- Phonics
- Fluency
- Vocabulary
- Comprehension.
- Your child will be given a blank journal to begin their writing journey. The journals will take many forms throughout the school year and will vary from child to child. The most important element of the journal is to give the child an outlet to tell their story. They will be dictating their thoughts, drawing pictures, writing letters, attempting words. The children look forward to sharing their unique experiences in their personal lifebooks.
Physical Skills and Wellness
Children explore physical activity in a variety of contexts
- Perform physical activity experiences that provide personal enjoyment.
- Explore a variety of seasonal physical activities.
- Discuss how rest is required to allow the body to recover from physical activity.
- Participate in a variety of physical activities and games.
Children explore spatial awareness in a variety of physical activity contexts
- Practise moving in relation to the location and proximity of people or objects in a variety of physical activity contexts.
Children investigate movement of the body
- Practise movement in any direction from one point to another.
- Explore movement in a variety of indoor and outdoor physical activity contexts.
- Demonstrate movement of the body in creative ways
Children explore fair play through a variety of physical activities
- Identify how characteristics can be unique or shared.
- Identify personal characteristics.
- Express feelings in a variety of ways.
- Recognize that feelings and emotions are part of the human experience.Identify strategies to recognize and respond to feelings and emotions in a variety of situations.
Children recognize boundaries in various situations.
- Describe personal, physical, and visual boundaries found in familiar contexts.
- Indicate permission verbally in a variety of contexts.
- Indicate refusal verbally and non-verbally in a variety of contexts.
- Identify how to communicate personal needs and expectations to others in various situations.
Children explore how food connects to daily life.
- Explore a variety of foods that help the body grow.
- Identify the source and origin of a variety of foods.
Children examine healthy relationships in learning and playing environments
- Describe ways people develop healthy relationships with other people, the land, animals, places, or objects.
- Define and practise friendship.
- Discuss the impact healthy relationships have on personal feelings.
Children identify physical growth
- Recognize that physical growth is different for everyone.
- Describe physical changes in the body since birth.
Children explore money
- Explore the value of Canadian coins and bills.
- Identify features of Canadian coins and bills.
The children will be participating in both outdoor and indoor gym activities. The year will begin with safety rules in the gym, the outdoor play equipment and the school field. We will be participating in outdoor games and running activities The children will demonstrate attitudes and behaviours that promote a safe and healthy lifestyle. The children will participate in The Kimochi Program (A social Emotional Learning Program)
Citizenship and Identity
Children develop and appreciation for his/her individuality
Children Describe similarities and differences among people to promote respect
Children Describe roles and responsibilities of belonging to a group
Children Demonstrate inquiry skills: investigates questions by gathering information, solving problems and making decisions.
The book The Three Questions by Jon J. Muth based on a story from Leo Tolstoy will serve as the starting point to building a sense of classroom community. It will serve as our guiding principle of how to go forward in the world.
The Three questions are:
- Who is the most important one? The one you are with
- What is the most important thing to do? Be good to the one you are with
- What is the most important time? NOW