Our Kindergarten Blog

2022-2023 KM


Flight 243 to America

Today we were so excited to see all of our friends. We talked about what we did over Spring Break. We wrote in our lifebooks. We are starting to write on smaller lines. We are learning where to place our letters and to use lower case letters when we are printing sentences. We talked about the "am" family. We are taking home the book, Pam and Sam. You can help me read the book. We circled all the am words. We are also taking home 2 books. One is a home reading book. Please read this book to me and then have me re-read this book while I point to the words. I should read this book many times. We will be bringing home these books daily. They should be returned daily. We practiced subitizing. We played a game called Zap. It was lots of fun. We set up the house center as an airplane. We travelled to America. It was a kind of up in the air kind of day.


First Day of Spring

Today was the first day of Spring. We watched a video about Spring. We talked about what happens in Spring and then we wrote about what we see in Springtime. We shared our stories with our friends. Mrs. Kitson read us a book about Jane Goodall. We learned how a scientist is patient and looks closely and takes their time. We are being good reading scientists when we are listening and looking to learn how to read. We worked in a small group and put together our own alphabet chart. We are bringing home a little book. It is about Spring. We need your help to read this book. We love reading our little books to our family. We had lots of fun at Wondertime. It was a cheery day in Kindergarten.

Have a great Spring Break. See you at interviews!


Leprechaun Store

Today we had lots of fun setting up a Leprechaun store. We had a cash register and we sold lots of food. We listened to the book, Hansel and Gretel. We are taking home our little book, We circled the snap words, look, the and at. We practced making many different patterns. We played bandaid tag and King's Court in gym. We finally were able to play outside. It was a green kind of day in kindergarten.


The Three Questions

Today Mrs. Kitson read us the story, The Three Questions by Jon J. Muth. The Three Questions are: Who is the most important one? What is the best thing to do? and What is the best time? Ask me what the answers to these questions are. We are taking home the book, Rapunzel. We circled the snap words, he and she. We practiced writing in our life books. We clapped the syllables, used the alphabet chart and looked in books to copy different words. We are stretching out the sounds in words. We are practicing making patterns with blocks and then colouring our patterns on paper. We went to the library and are bringing home a non-fiction book. We call them read about the world books. We had a special birthday treat from one of our friends. It was a cold but sticky sweet kind of day in kindergarten.


Fairy Tale Fun

Today we had a special Fairy Tale Day. It was fun to dress up. We had lots of fun at our fairy tale centers. We made clay dragons, stained glass windows,and a crown. We decorated a goblet. We danced Medieval style and we even challenged our friends to a sword fight. In the afternoon, Mrs. Kitson made us a special candy surprise cake. She talked about how the cook in Medieval times would often entertain the king with special foods. We listened to the nursery rhyme. Sing a Song of Sixpence. It was a make believe kind of day in kindergarten.


Alphabet Time

Today we started to be the teacher. We are continuing to learn our letter sounds. We are even learning the secrets. We are learning different sounds that two letters can make when they go together, like: th, er and sh. We look for the secrets in different words. We talked about the word at. One of our snap words is that. We made many different words with the at family. We are taking home a book where we circled all the at words. you can help me read this book . I should point to each word when I read. I like reading all of the books that I bring home. Mrs. Kitson said reading the books over and over helps us learn how to read. We like reading with our reading buddies in our class. We had fun making musical patterns. It was a fun day in kindergarten.